This Very Important Cat Painting Sold For $800K

This Very Important Cat Painting Sold For $800K

Would you shell out $826,000 to prove your devotion to the cats in your life? (For the record, if I were a millionaire, I probably would.) “My Wife’s Lovers,” by Austrian artist Carl Kahler, which is believed to be the world’s largest painting of cats, just sold at auction for that hefty sum, which is actually half a million dollars more than its estimated value! Its new owners must have really wanted the Ultimate Cat Lover badge of honor that would come along with it.

The 227-pound, six-foot-by-eight-foot painting (deemed “the world’s greatest painting of cats” in 1949 by Cat Magazine!) was commissioned back in 1891 by San Francisco millionaire couple Kate Birdsall Johnson and Robert C. Johnson. Kahler had never painted a cat before, but Kate asked him to create a portrait featuring 42 of the 350 (!) cats she owned. She left half a million dollars to those cats in her will, and claimed each and every one of them answered to their names. How her house didn’t smell terrible or get covered in cat hair is beyond me. More importantly, though, wouldn’t this look perfect on that one awkwardly spare wall in your apartment? I know I’d just love trying to convince guests that while yes, I’d paid almost a million dollars for a cat painting, I am a totally sane person with completely reasonable priorities. See? Built-in conversation piece!

The Most Beautiful Paintings Created By Winston Churchill

The Most Beautiful Paintings Created By Winston Churchill

“Always remember, a cat looks down on man, a dog looks up to man, but a pig will look man right in the eye and see his equal.” There was once an English enthusiast Lord witticisms and man close to nature that had an influence significantly on world history. His name was Winston Churchill and accompanied his decisive action as Prime Minister of the British kingdom during the Second World War.

Colossal and colorful Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill (1874-1965), the youngest son of the seventh Duke of Marlborough and of an American, born in the castle of Blenheim, the very place where a exhibition dedicated to the Chinese artist with political action now global, Ai Weiwei. Against all expectations, in addition to the passage of one and the other in the castle of the Dukes of Marlborough, these two men have one thing in common. The Chinese is an artist whose action, with the circumstances, turned to open political opposition to the regime of his country. While Winston Churchill was a politician by vocation, and it was clearly the circumstances that led him to become a painter.

Churchill as a painter

The famous English Prime Minister narrates his enthusiasm for painting, which he describes as a “hobby without major pretensions” in the who went out of his way to distract himself from tensions and mental exhaustion, which caused having to deal with a high number of political and military responsibilities and obligations.

We couldn’t stop thinking about another political-warmonger who, like Churchill, was also passionate about painting; Adolf Hitler.

While the German Hitler, assumed painting in its beginnings as a vocation and possibility of trade, for the English Churchill, the conditions that led him to it were different.

At just 18 years old, Hitler applied to enter the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. Although on that first occasion (1907), he passed the written exam, he was rejected in the drawing test, after evaluating the portfolio of his works.  A year later he reapplies to enter and this time he is rejected in the written test. Despite being disqualified on two occasions, which he accused the Jews of, as he said: ” The Academy was controlled by them”, he installed himself as a painter dedicating himself to drawing small-format pencil and watercolor painting, in which It exhibits landscapes and buildings, works in which it displays its greatest expressive force, very different from the low quality of the realizations in which it paints the human figure.

On the contrary, Winston Churchill began painting at the age of 40, without academic training in the subject, beginning with the watercolor painting of his children, and later working with oil as an expressive technique. He traveled with his painting equipment, taking advantage of all his free and vacation moments to dedicate himself to his pictorial frenzy. He left behind more than a hundred paintings, with images that do not reflect their political-military nature, since they only show landscapes, interiors and still lifes with flowers.

Churchill’s enthusiasm for the canvas is a facet rarely known to the public, and even more so, that paintings by Winston Churchill are sold today for high numbers. In 2007 one of his works was sold at Sotheby’s (London), for a million pounds (just over $ 1.5 million).

The search for that mental and spiritual tranquility led Churchill to painting, we do not know whether out of passion or as an escape valve for the demons that tormented him in life.

Hitler was perhaps the same demon personified in a human creature, but Churchill had to live, until his last breath, with the weight of conscience of the military political mistakes made.

To avoid the pressure of who he was, a public figure, and to get objective opinions about his art, he used pseudonyms, such as that of Charles Morin for an exhibition held in Paris in 1920. Thirty years later, the Royal Academy accepted a couple of his works, when he used the pseudonym of Mr. Winter.

And painter Winston Churchill never stopped learning for himself, even in one of his many articles he advised all those who wanted to enter the world of painting at a mature age to skip an academic training. He considered that he did not have enough time to invest in classes, he saw them as a waste of time.

Most beautiful paintings

As he most admired the work of the Impressionists, such as Manet, Monet, Cezanne and Matisse, he went to the same places where they once painted and sought his inspiration there. He used bright colors, because painting served to improve his mood. You can see how Peonies By Claude Monet looks like at the and see what inspired him. This can be seen in works such as View of Chartwell and Shadows on a Staircase in Southern France. Although there were works that left a different impression, such as Near Lochmore on the Duke of Wesminster’s Scottish Estate and A Storm over Cannes. Still Life, Fruit from the 1930s is also type of painting he often painted. He only stopped his artistic activity during World War II, except for the elaboration of a painting during the great Conference of Allies that took place in Casablanca, which showed the beauty of the city of Marrakech. He would give it to Roosevelt later.

Eleven of those works, painted by Churchill from the 1920s to 1940s, are on display for sale at the Heather James Fine Art Gallery in Los Angeles. Valued at between $ 1 million and $ 3 million , they comprise nine landscapes, a coastal scene and still life, plus gardens and properties from friends and family vacation places, including destinations in France and Morocco.

The Goldfish Pool at Chartwell, a painting of a pond he made at his home in the countryside, was sold at auction for 1.8 million pounds ($ 2.8 million).


Although he will be remembered for many other things than for his hobby, still, if you are an art lover, don’t forget to take a closer look at his work.

6 Reasons You Should Add Custom Printing To Your Cardboard Boxes

6 Reasons You Should Add Custom Printing To Your Cardboard Boxes

So, you pack your products in cardboard boxes and want to stand out from your competition? That’s good. However, taking care of visual identity or graphic solutions in business is not usually considered a No.1 thing when you’re making your business outset. Nevertheless, branding and making your product packing original – has a major significance. We hope that after presenting the following six reasons – you will understand why it is important to devote yourself to graphic design and customization of your cardboard boxes from the very beginning of your business.

Packaging Design

Did you know that packaging design has the power to persuade a customer to buy in less than three seconds? According to recent research, about 70% of purchase decisions are made immediately in the store, which means that the three seconds in which a decision is made should not be neglected. Many manufacturers think the product and its performance are paramount – but packaging can play a vital role in the success or failure of selling a product. So the question is, is the design look of the product packaging so important? The answer is – absolutely YES!

Increase The Value Of Your Product

The design of your boxes adds to the value of your product by highlighting its features through a clearly defined visual form. Of course, we must not forget about custom printing as well. An effective cardboard box can help you to attract your customers to a specific product. It is a powerful tool that can set you apart from your competition. How? Very simple – a good cardboard package can draw the attention of buyers and add to the perceived value of your product. Also, a box like this can improve the protection, use or transportation of your product. However, the most important role of packaging is to single out your products from others, similar and competitive, on store shelves.

What Functions Does A Cardboard Box Have?

The packaging first has a useful function, which also can serve other purposes. For example, if a particular wine manufacturer packs a bottle into a nicely designed box that can serve other purposes – then customers will prefer to opt for a beautifully designed package. A particular attention is paid to the marketing function because with the development of industry and consumer habits – much investment is made in marketing. The packaging of each product is practically a shortcut to a faster decision to buy a product. Customers will prefer a product that has better graphic design, customized print or better packaging – even if the two products are of the same quality. In addition to visual communication, packaging also has an informative role. Therefore, the attractive packaging will soon draw consumers’ attention.

Why Use Custom Printing On Boxes?

Many aspiring individuals who want to grow their businesses put the most effort into building the product as well as website, store, e-sales or material acquisition. Just a few of them will start thinking about the packaging or the visual identity of the boxes in which they pack their products. The fact is – the cardboard boxes in which they are manufactured should have the same attention as all other factors in the business. There are many reasons for this. According to IMColorPrint, this helps you promote your brand. For example, opting for custom printed boxes will most certainly get your customers’ attention. We will give you 6 reasons why you should customize the print on your boxes, and how it can help your business.

1. The First Impression Is The Most Important

The first impression in every business is the most important, and you have only one opportunity for it. Whether it’s your website or the product description you offer – your customers will judge its quality based on what they see. Quality printing and graphic design gives your business credibility. Therefore, if you do not invest in the visual – no matter how good your product is – you will not attract anyone to discover it.

2. Design And Print Say A Lot About You

A print can speak more than a thousand words, and your cardboard box prints must say what you are doing. With the right choice of colors and shapes for your clients – it can be an association with the product or service you offer. For example, this is how the visual identity of a pizzeria is very different from the law firm. By the same logic, your business needs a design that captures the image of what customers can expect from you.

3. An Excellent Printed Box Makes Your Business Compelling

Good printing and design enable the branding of every visual element and develop a consistent image of your business. Professionals will use good print quality, precise colors, distinctive font and images for everything your business needs. This way, customers will have the same experience when they see a good product packed in a quality and beautifully printed box. One should adhere to this as one of the basic business postulates. Consistency symbolizes your professionalism – which will create an additional sense of confidence for your clients.

4. Creativity Is What Sets You Apart

If there is one thing that is common to all small businesses, it is the fact that they all face a lot of competition. To stand out, they try to differentiate themselves in price, services or new products. What can help them stand out – is the design and print on the packaging. A visual communication plan is something that should be designed in the beginning, and in addition to many other purposes, it also aims to be unique and differentiate you from the rest.

5. Custom Printing Pays Off

The design of the cardboard box should not just be appealing to the eye. Its role is to persuade clients and take advantage so that they choose to buy or make deals with you. Cleverly designed print on cardboard boxes can drive a visitor to action and greatly increase interaction with potential customers. An interesting print will make customers turn the other way, and investing in print on the boxes will bring visible results.

6. The Cost Of The Print Design Pays Off In The Long Run

When start-ups do not take the print design role seriously – it is mainly because they plan to deal with the visual aspect afterward because they consider it cosmetics. However, as we have found out, print design is extremely important right from the start. Creating packaging is one of the first things you need to solve. The value that you put into making your boxes look good is very small – given that you will use all the material for years and that it will set you apart from others. So, invest in print design, because that’s what is long-lasting.

15 Of My Favorite Cat Videos Of All Time

15 Of My Favorite Cat Videos Of All Time

Everyone knows that funny cats are the true keepers of the internet, but I think my love for cat videos went off the deep end last week when I couldn’t stop watching this footage of sliding kittens on repeat at the Frisky office while laughing hysterically to myself for days on end. I’m pretty sure the whole scenario looked like I’d suffered some kind of psychotic break, but seriously, life is stressful these days and kittens are just a really funny reprieve! Now I’m inviting you to join me on my feline YouTube journey, because who doesn’t need some kitties to unwind every now and then? After the jump, in no particular order, my current favorite cat videos of all time, presented without comment. You’re welcome.

1. Bobo The Vacuum-Loving Cat

2. Mitchiri0-Neko Cat March

3. Cat Stuck In A Hamster Ball

4. Cats Morphing Into Croissants

5. Kittens Inspired By Kittens

6. Real Cat Meets Ceramic Cat

7. Stupid Cat

8. Cat Massage

9. Confused Fluffy Kitten

10. Kittens In A Boot

11. Mama Cat Hugs Sleeping Kitten

12. Henri The Existential Cat

13. Maru Plays With A Box

14. Cat Greets His Human

15. Pudge’s Greatest Moments

6 Photo Editing Trends For 2024

6 Photo Editing Trends For 2024

Photo editing trends are influenced by several factors – the visual preferences and styles, the techniques people are using, as well as the artists’ ability to work with other design aspects, as well as small things such as the filters featured on social media applications and platforms. However, there are some editing trends that you should focus on during 2024.

If you want to learn what are the best photo editing trends you should follow during this year, you might find this article quite helpful since it will feature some of the top fads that you should definitely choose to follow in 2024. Let’s take a closer look at the article:

Tips And Tricks For Editing

  1. The Colors Should Be Vibrant And Bold

You might notice that a lot of people choose to use this trend already and that is why you should opt for stronger, more bright hues. It will definitely attract quite some attention and it will easily stand out from the crowd of the same images that are taken and posted every day.

By choosing stronger colors, you can easily attract attention to the subject – and this is exactly what you want if you want to get noticed. Of course, this does not mean that it should feature too many colors, especially since you might want to keep it natural – too much or too many colors won’t make the images look good.

  1. Black & White is Something You Should Focus on

Black & White portraits used to be extremely popular back in the day, however, all of the devices today produce images in color. That is why you might want to experiment with black & white by dragging the saturation tab to the left. Of course, you can also use various filters that will change the color.

If the colors featured cause people to be distracted, you should choose a black and white filter. Hence, if the images feature a lot of textures or high-contrast, or if they are portraited shots, opt for using these filters since it will make it look more expressive, as well as pleasant.

  1. If Shooting in Macro Mode, Zoom in

As you already know, macro photography requires people to shoot smaller objects such as flowers, fallen leaves, insects, and so on. Well, the one thing you should remember about this is that you can edit your macro images by cropping all the parts that distract people from the subject.

Once you crop it, you can also choose to resize it to be smaller, hence, it will be able to load faster if you need to post it on a website. Also, add highlights to the subject or details, and adjust the shadows. All of these things will definitely make your picture better and more professional. If you want to see what some editing experts can help you with, check out BackgroundRemover.

  1. Choose Subtle/Soft Effects And Filters

Social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook influenced people to use subtle and softer filters. Softening the picture will make it look more appealing, especially if the subject is, for example, a child or a small animal. It can make your pictures gentler and it can light up the subject.

Now, you can choose to use filters that can easily transform the entire concept. These filters will soften the light in the shots, hence, it will produce a little bit of a color cast. The muted tone in them will be subtle and it can easily create a specific feeling for the image you took.

  1. Expressionism Needs to Be Embraced With Open Arms

Photography has long been a tool for expressing an idea that comes to people’s minds – and this is something that is often referred to as expressionism. It does involve changing the reality of the original images, which means that you can add or take away some details that can make it otherworldly.

For example, if you are working on a project that revolves around living in a busy city, you can take a picture of a moving vehicle on the roads. Then, when you are editing it, you can add a motion blur effect that will allow the picture to truly show how it is to live in a fast-paced world.

  1. Vertical Images Are Back!

Vertical images are back, especially since people have been using their smartphones to take pictures quickly – and most of the time, their phones are in vertical positions. This is quite different from the pictures taken by a traditional camera such as an SLR where the orientation goes straight to horizontal.

You can easily change the orientation in all editing programs, and you can also resize the images, set new formats or sizes, and you can use the feature that will allow you to rotate the picture in any way that you want. Vertical pictures have a specific feel to them, so, when you are editing the pictures, ensure that you crop away anything that might be distracting.

Bonus Trend: 360° Photography is Becoming Increasingly Popular

Now, one of the biggest trends this year is probably going to be 360° photography. Whether you choose to photograph a panoramic view of a bridge or an amazing 360° view of a car, this photography type has incredible potential. It gained quite the popularity, especially since the photographer needs to turn while the camera captures everything.

With all the innovative tech, taking these pictures is quite easy. With specific devices, you can complete the process by using your smartphone. This fad aids with closing the gap between reality and photography, which is something all people strive to achieve in their pictures.


So, by following the tips and tricks from the article above, you will be able to bring your photographs to a new level. Not only will the tips make the photos look better, but more presentable as well. Hence, now that you know what trends you should follow, do not waste any more time, and start trying different trends right away.

How to Choose Longboards 2024 – A Guide for New Longboarders?

How to Choose Longboards 2024 – A Guide for New Longboarders?

If you are a newbie in longboarding, this article will be the best way to help you buy suitable boards. Or if you are already an expert, below tips, compiled from website will also have things for you to keep on mind.

For those who first join this exploratory and challenging game, determining how to choose it is essential. So, we will provide you with the necessary information needed to pick appropriate products. First of all, you need to pay attention to some following characteristics to get the best choices.

Tips for choosing the best longboards for beginners

Picking the right longboards for beginners as well as the professional requires you to pay attention to details. There are two main points that we need to focus at most as followings:

  • Deck
  • Trucks


As the most significant of a board, the deck should not be ignorable when you consider buying new longboards.

Each brand produces the deck with the length, width, and curvature, which are different from others. For example, the Flip, Blind, or Girl brands often get their longboard decks, which are quite shallow.

Differences in length, width, and curvature of the deck surface depend on the style in which skaters play on the board. Besides, the brands also adjust these dimensions to match the structure design of models. As the Baker brand, they make the “OG shape” with the length and width of the first models but adding a deep curvature.


The more curved the deck ends are, the stronger the Pop force will be. The force helps you jump higher and perform ground-based techniques smoothly. If the two terms have a higher degree of power, the Pop will decrease, but it becomes more suitable for the Slide, Grind.


A longboard with its large surface is often easier to stand and balance. However, you may find a little bit challenging to flip or spin. This type will be suitable to play the Vert, Grind, Pools, and Ramps.

On the other hand, a longboard with its small board will be the best match for the Flip or Spin. But keeping balance seems not to be an easy task. Players tend to choose this type on the road or performing with complicated techniques.

To better understand, you can go to the size table to choose the correct one.

  • 7.5″ – 8″ in width

This is a standard size for those who want to do many longboarding techniques.

  • 8″ – 8.25″ in width

The right suitable for boarding in the Pools, Ramps, and Park’s techniques.

  • 8’’ in width

This is a size for the Vert, Pools, cruising, and sliding in the old-school style


We consider the truck as the second most crucial part of a longboard. It is a T-shaped piece of metal placed below two ends of the deck.

When choosing the truck, you should pick the one whose width is nearly the same as the width of the board.

The following table is a reference to size matching.

  • Truck 5.0 – Deck 7.4″ – 7.75″
  • Truck 5.25 – Deck 7.8″ – 8.0″
  • Truck 5.5 – Deck 8.1″ – 8.3″
  • Truck 5.75 – Deck 8.4″ – 8.6″ or even greater

The difference in size between the truck will significantly affect your longboarding. You also need to pay attention that the bigger the board is, the bigger the truck should be.

Top 3 of the best longboard for beginners

We talked about how to choose the longboard for beginners with the right deck and truck. Now, it is time to enjoy the top 3 of the ideal picks.

Our top 3 includes:

  1. Retrospec Zed Bamboo
  2. Yocaher Punked
  3. Atom

What can we find unique in these skateboards? Let’s explore.

Retrospec Zed Bamboo Longboard

We will start with a bamboo longboard of the Retrospec Zed. The brand offers a wide range of options for styles and colors, too. I remember that there are 12 in total.

Its deck has a length of a 44-inch longboard with the perfect materials of bamboo and Canadian maple mix. The design shows eight-ply. It means that the construction is strong, with just the right amount of flex.

Yocaher Punked Longboard

The next longboard of the list is a Yoacher Punked of the Stained Pintail model. Experienced players consider this board as the ideal one for those who have first steps into the longboarding game.

Its well-made structure includes a 9-ply maple deck and a high-quality grip tape. Standing on this deck, you can feel a perfect control and flex, which will help to balance over the bumps.

How do you think about a 27-inch wheelbase? I find it with a stability reduction. However, it is not noticeable at all since the features still make the board an excellent cruiser for newbies instead.

Atom Longboard

On the market, Atom is one of the best favorite longboard brands of many players. And this Atom Drop Through 41 Inch is also in the list of their top recommendation for beginners.

The metal trucks dropped through the deck will give the boarders a lower center of gravity. Then you will get more stability.


You have enjoyed things about how to choose the best skateboard for beginners. Now, have you had your decision yet? We think that you have not yet. The consideration takes your time to get more information and reviews.

We hope that the article helps you pick up the right products. Good luck and have a happy shopping. See you in the next articles of amazing skateboards!

Different Types of Paints

Different Types of Paints

Different projects require different types of paints, and at least once in our lifetime, we will be in a situation in which we’ll have to make the right decision. Paint is something that exists for a very long time, and although the ones we have today cannot be compared to the ones people had in the past, this can both be a good and a “bad” thing at the same time.

Thanks to technology and science, we have special sorts of paint that are resilient to many different outdoor circumstances, so we can pick the type that’s most suitable for our project. For example, painting a vehicle is not the same as painting a wall, and those two paints have a very different formula that makes them distinctive from each other.

Some are made with water, others have a more “chemical” approach, but at the end of the day, every sort of paint has a special goal. We cannot say that one type is more useful than another, and they can all be used effectively depending on your situation.

In this article, we are going to let you know about some of the most popular types of paints that you can find in today’s market, as well as their most characteristic uses. We’ll help you learn which paint is used for what, and some of the best ways to tell the difference between them.

If you are eager to learn some more, either out of sheer curiosity or because you are currently required to find the best paint for your project, feel free to stay with us until the end. Without further ado, let’s jump straight into the content.

1. Water-Based Paints


The lion’s share of divider paint sold nowadays is water-based, fundamentally since of its ease of utilize. On the off chance that your surface has been already coated with an oil-based item, be cautious when exchanging to water-based paint because it may have inconvenient staying. In this circumstance, Sherwin-Williams recommends washing the surface and after that roughening it all over with a medium to smooth coarseness sandpaper—making it clean, dry, and gloomy in arrange to anticipate peeling of the unused coat. For those occasions when an oil-based paint would customarily be ideal, but you want a water-based item, several companies have presented “waterborne finishes” or “waterborne alkyds.” These paints see and carry on much like oil-based alternatives since they have great leveling qualities for a smooth wrap up.

2. Acrylic Paints

This can be fair another term for water-based house paint, but the authoritative fixing within the paint is acrylic. Acrylic paint can be found in a few assortments counting acrylic latex, acrylic finish, or acrylic latex finish. Acrylic finish house paint is considered as such due to its solidness; it isn’t a blend of oil and water-based paint. Continuously counsel the names of the paint as not all paint contains latex or acrylic in spite of the name. Moreover, keep in mind that the higher the sparkle, the more blemishes will appear within the wrapped-up paint.

3. Cement Paint

According to Maler, this sort of paint fabric is utilized broadly to portray harsh brick dividers. And thus, this paint plays an imperative part within the exterior portray administrations Toronto. This paint is available within the frame of a powder that should be mixed with water sometime recently. Being tough and waterproof, cement paint is broadly utilized for portraying harsh surfaces within the outside of buildings. Other than that, with two coats of application of cement paints, it is conceivable to paint surfaces that are inclined to clamminess.

4. Cellulose Paints

Cellulose paint is created from celluloid sheets, amyl acetic acid derivation, and photographic movies. Attachment can be moved forward by including castor oil, and surfaces can be effectively cleaned and washed once the paint has dried. This sort of paint is characterized by its fast-drying, smooth wrap up and hardness, whereas advertising resistance to water, smoke and acids. Much obliged to its properties, cellulose paint is commonly utilized in cars and airplanes. The fundamental drawback of cellulose paint is its toll cost.

5. Aluminum Paints

Aluminum paints are made by blending finely ground aluminum with soul or oil varnishes. Soul varnish makes the drying period shorter and oil varnish gives a moderate drying office. So, varnish can be utilized agreeing to the requirement. This sort of paint is utilized for portraying woodworks, metallic surfaces, etc. The layer of paint is solidified by the dissipation of the soul or oil. Aluminum paint has numerous points of interest such because, it is waterproof, resistant against power, erosion, weathering, it can be unmistakable in dim and gives a great appearance.

6. Silicone Paints

Silicone paint could be an uncommon sort of coating in which alkyd tars are altered by including silicone. It has fabulous toughness, sturdiness, great resistance to splitting and scraped spot resistance caused by extreme temperature changes. It is generally utilized in upkeep paints for steel and concrete, outside enriching, marine paints, coatings on brass and aluminum, and as a heat-resistant, it is utilized in chimneys, broilers, etc. It repulses water on brickwork surfaces such as stone and brick.

7. Oil Paints

These paints have the white lead as a base. The oil paints are connected in three coats. The primary coat is called as a preliminary, at that point comes the undercoat and final coat shape the wrapped-up coat. Before the application of the same, linseed oil and colors are added. Oil paints can be of two sorts: tangle and gleaming wrap up. If the surface of the application is smooth a gleaming wrap up is suggested. In case the surface has undulations that cannot be secured by putty, it is exhorted to utilize tangle wrap up. The utilize shiny wrap up will make these undulations to be seen evidently. The oil paints are tougher that it takes time to dry totally. Cleaning the dividers painted by these is simple. Oil-based paints are made with either alkyd (manufactured) or linseed (common) oils.

The 10 Best “Golden Girls” Tattoos Ever

The 10 Best “Golden Girls” Tattoos Ever


Tattoos are indelible marks of devotion and dedication–especially when it comes to tattoos of “The Golden Girls.” Nothing says “I love feisty old broads in chic caftans” like having Sophia, Dorothy, Blanche and Rose emblazoned on your chest.

After the jump, nine more “Golden Girls”-inspired tats. If you need us, we’ll be eating cheesecake on the lanai.

Leg tattoo

Girls on the leg…

Arm Tattoo

..and on the arm.


With a golden light surrounding them..

Bea Arthur

A rabid fan thanks Bea for being there.

Betty White Breaking Out

Betty White makes like a rash and breaks out on the skin.


A touching tribute to our favorite gals

Ugliest Tattoos

The girls in their prime.

Stay Gold

Stay gold, Ponyboy. I mean, Blanche, Sophia, Dorothy and Rose.

Golden Girls

Imagine waking up to this every morning. Lucky guy.

Stone Engraving and Carving

Stone Engraving and Carving

Have you ever wondered how the stone carvings and engravings are made? If you are new to the business and you want to excel and be better than the competition, you have to get the best tools on the market.

Carving the stone is something that people have been doing since the beginning of time, ever since the people exist, the rock engraving exists.

However, now we are doing that in a faster and more sophisticated way that is letting us explore all possibilities and create pretty much everything that we can imagine. Here we are going to talk about the machines behind the engraving and carving, what they do and how to choose the best one for your type of business.

Mechanical Machines
The mechanical process of working on rocks and other hard materials will give you different results than the laser one. You should know that the difference is that the mechanical machines cut in-depth into the material, and the laser machines discolor the stone, and it gives it a bleached effect.

This process is used usually for engraving of headstones and after the process is complete, then a message can be glided or painted.

If you want to personalize or create jewelry, then you can do it with these machines. They work on almost any precious or natural stones and you can change the shape or do anything that you can imagine to create the perfect piece of jewelry.

If you are using a mechanical engraving machine, then you will need a cooling system to prevent premature tool wear and overheating. For small engravings, you can use air cooling, but if you want to cut deeper into the stone, then you will need continuous lubrication.

The most common use of mechanical machines is:

  • Engraving on granite and marble
  • Engraving on headstones and graves
  • Shaping of jewelry in precious or natural stone

Laser Machines

These machines are great! They can work on the hardest materials on the earth and if you use a laser you can create beautiful products.

Did you know that you can put letters, logos and photographic details on any type of material and have that piece for the rest of your life?

The way they work is that the machine is directly placed over the rock, but it does not come in contact with it. Then a beam of light hits and melts the surface. The laser is directed by a computer, so you can be as precise as you want to be. Because of this, people are able to put even the tiniest details in the material and CNC machines are used in this process.

However, you should know that the color of the rock may change because of the reaction of releasing oxidizes to oxygen. This is not very common when it comes to hard materials, but it can happen. The process can also be done on purpose if you want to get a new color with a practice called laser marking.

Polished slabs that have a really smooth surface will provide the best results. If you are using a material that does not have a flat surface, the final result will not be distorted by curves.

However, if you want to work on a rock that’s not really flat you will need to use support like modeling clay. Try to use an average value of the area so that the end result is as uniform as possible.

Stone Types

Pretty much all the materials can be changed with a laser CNC Router with different types available here or a mechanical machine. When it comes to laser machines, they are really effective with natural, dark and polished materials like marble, basalt, and granite. The more fine-grained and homogenous the stone is, you will get better results.

White marble is also good for this type of application and it will produce a white stone result. However, you should know that you cannot cut stones using a laser machine.

Other types of stones that can easily be changed and carved, include:

  • Ceramic, porcelain
  • Natural stone
  • Stone tiles
  • Salt crystals
  • Pebbles
  • Slate

Applications for Stone Engravings

The laser process is used to create a lot of different things. Some people even use the machines in their homes for their small home businesses. These machines allow you to be precise, so you are free to do anything that you could imagine.

Gift items and lucky charms are created with laser machines and this is one of the most common things why they are used. They are great for DIY projects as well, including arts and crafts.

You can even use them to create decorations for all seasons and the great thing is that they can be used both indoor and outdoor. The possibilities are limitless when you are working on hard materials that are durable.

Other applications include:

  • Headstones
  • Design
  • Stone tiles
  • Interior design

Tools and Gear

Before starting the carving or engraving process, you need to make sure that you are safe and protected. Always wear protective gear.

Depending on the thing you are doing you may need a dust mask that’s used for small jobs and gives you minimal protection against dust. If you want something better, that protects you a bit better from dust and silica, then you should choose a disposable respirator with N95+ filters. For the best protection, you should choose a full or half-face respirator with N95+ filters.

Always wear protective goggles over your eyes and don’t forget to put heavy-duty gloves while handling the material.

For carving the stone you need a particular set of tools. If you want to invest in it and if you are serious about your business, then you want to get a carving kit.

You can find them starting from $30 and it all depends on the tools the kit has and the quality of them. The three things that are a must are hammer (usually soft hammer), chisels and files. You cannot get anything done without these 3 tools. You can get them on Amazon or at home gardening companies and local art stores.

Make sure you know what type of material you are dealing with so you know what type of gear and tools to get.

Have you ever tried to use any of these machines? If you want to become a professional in carving hard materials, then you need to know that practice makes perfect. Have patience and use the best machines to get the needed result.

New Floors In the Fall

We need to discuss a few flooring considerations that are fairly important right now. And by right now, I mean… well… right now. Because on one hand, I could try to convince you that the fall is the right time to think seriously about redoing, refinishing, revamping, or replacing any number of flooring spaces in your home. That should actually makes sense – it’s almost the holidays, kids are in school already for the construction time you’ll need, and you’ve been wanting a few new punches of beauty and comfort in your home anyway. Plus, as everybody starts showing up for the big family gatherings in the next few months, you’ll be proud to tell them all to leave their shoes at the door!

But on the OTHER hand, you need to consider flooring options right now, not just because of all those brilliant reasons, but because everybody else is already considering flooring, too. I am Not. Joking. Around. Two years ago at the end of October I sauntered on in to The Home Depot to discuss new upstairs carpeting, and new entry-way tile; both items I wanted to have installed within the month. As it turns out, pretty much everybody the whole town over wanted the same thing – and all of it HAD to be done before Thanksgiving!

Now, mind you, the friendly folks in Home Depot flooring were nothing short of miraculous, and they seriously worked to make it happen. But the scheduling was tiiiiight, and you do NOT want to miss out on showing off your new gorgeous under-foot amazingness to Aunt Meriweather.

Plus, fall is the time for new flooring, because so many new options are pouring in to the Home Depot. If you’re a bargain shopper, this means loads of great clearance pricing on wood and tile, but also the new innovative and modern products are stocking the shelves right now. Here’s a few to consider…

There are new thin tiles that display beautiful stone or wood, and simply require a click-together and lay-it-down kind of installation. It can go right smack on top of the floor you’ve already got! I fell so in love with this white marble, I had to order some up for my laundry room. And speaking of crazy easy instillation, were you also aware that the Home Depot now carries thin vinyl tiles that can be set down like stone or ceramic, and grouted?!

Of course, in order to make sure the colors and textures match my home and design intentions, I wanted to buy a few samples to take home. But not at The Home Depot! Oooooh no – they just want to GIVE you samples for free! Sitting right there with the products you’ll find exact small samples of all their gorgeous flooring products, or sample boards they’ll let you check out and take home with a smile. Of course, the boards ARE kind of like a library book you need to return, which is OK, since you won’t forget them in your school backpack. (I think I owe back school library fees upwards of about a million bucks.)

And don’t get me started on carpet, because I’m kind of a lover of all things soft under my tosies. At the Home Depot you’ll find an incredible selection of ready-to-install in stock carpets, several incredibly well priced quick-ship options, and any other variety you could possibly think up. They carry more colors than I would put in my surprisingly neutral house, but also enough variations on shades of taupe to make a picky little selector like me quite happy. Plus, their competitively priced high shag carpets (my absolute favorite and the pick I ultimately went with) can be installed this fall starting at $37. But only if you get on it NOW!

It’s the time people. Refurbish those floors. Get new freshness to walk on! Or for the simplest and fastest kick of all, dive into the very impressive and supremely competitively priced isle of rugs hanging up over in the flooring section. I picked up a soft but practical indoor/outdoor rug for under my table in the kitchen. Next up is finding the right spot for THIS fluffy wonder; my daughter informed me that this run was so nice she fell asleep standing next to it just hanging there. I’m not even making that up.

It’s the right time to do flooring improvements; they increase home value, and severely impact your complete sense of happiness as you tip toe around in these freshly brisk coming months.