Safe Crayons for kids: Non-Toxic Crayons

Safe Crayons for kids: Non-Toxic Crayons

Go Green – buy soy and beeswax crayons for kids

Crayons make great gifts, but make sure the ones you give are safe – Soy and beeswax crayons are! Even in today’s health-conscious society, many wax crayons contain lead pigments and non-organic products such as petroleum. The same goes for inks, dyes and paints including face paints used by children. In contrast soy and beeswax crayons are completely natural and non-toxic while retaining strong colour that will satisfy your budding artist.

Children are particularly susceptable to ill effects created by petroleum based wax crayons because their organs are still developing. The same goes for high levels of heavy metals that can sometimes be found. It is as well to remember that even when companies tell you their product is completely non-toxic, you should check the content for yourself. If in doubt, ask them!

Prang is a well known name in crayons and these are their best soy ones

These safe crayons are make primarily from soy bean. Manufacturer Prang says these crayons are ‘brighter and smoother’ than paraffin wax crayons. These are certainly non-toxic and they come in a variety of colors and in packs of different amounts.

Praise for soy and beeswax crayons

safe crayons for kids

Most people who have purchased these crayons have nothing but praise for them. The colors seem to be bright and older children found they blend well together for more sophisticated art projects. They seem to work well on different surfaces.
Reservations soy crayons
The biggest complaint I have found about soy crayons is that they are more brittle than petrol-based crayons. However, they are easily rejoined by holding both ends over a low heat. Not much of a price to pay I don’t think.

However, what isn’t clear from all manufacturers is how much if any of the soy bean used is GM.

Why you should buy beeswax crayons

They smell better for a start! Paraffin based crayons smell there is no getting away from it, while beeswax smells sweet and natural with no chemicals or additives.

They also feel nicer to the touch.

Because the color is blended with wax it gives kids drawings a more subtle look than other crayons, in fact because you can produce many more effects with beeswx candles, some professional artists use them too.

The colors stay bright and are light resistent and the wax gives a kind of transparency much like that of watercolor paints.

Stockmar beeswax crayons for sale

Stockmar produce natural beeswax crayons as either conventional stick crayons or as block crayons which can be used flat to create wide sweeps of color or end on to produce finer lines and numbers.

Stockmar Block/Stick Beeswax Crayon Tin

Best beeswax crayons from Faber-Castell

safe crayons for kids
It pays to go for well-known and well-respected brands when you are buying – especially if you want the very best quality. You may pay a bit extra on crayons like these from Faber-Castell but it is worth it.

24 Faber-Castell Beeswax Crayons

Beeswax crayons

safe crayons
Beeswax crayons are getting good reviews right now. They smell nice and,with no petroleum, are non-toxic for little hands. Buy the triangular shaped ones for toddlers as they are easy to hold. The colors are bright and they seem to blend well.
They arn’t cheap but they last a long time if taken care of when packing away.