How to Choose a Camera: SLR vs DSLR

How to Choose a Camera: SLR vs DSLR

When choosing either a SLR or DSLR camera, it is important to know which one is better for the type of photographs you plan to take. This article will highlight which is best for certain endeavors. We’ll also show you some of the top rated cameras in each category.

Which is Better SLR or DSLR?

The SLR camera is called as such because it makes use of a mirror and prism, reflex pertaining to the reflection on the mirror (see some examples of an SLR camera here). The reflection allows the user to see the image about to be captured through the viewfinder before actually taking the photo. This is special and different compared to the viewfinder camera which shows a very different image in the frame as compared to what you can see through the viewfinder. When the user hits the shutter button, the mirror moves away and allows light to go past it and hit the film to capture the image.

The main difference between a traditional SLR camera and a DSLR or digital single lens reflex camera lies right in its name, the DSLR is digital and does not make use of film (see some examples of a DSLR camera here). And because it has no film, instead of the mirror moving away for the light to hit the film, the light would, instead, go to the CCD or CMOS imaging sensor. Each camera has its pros and cons and they cater to certain kinds of photographers.

When to buy a SLR Camera

SLR Camera Review Getting a traditional SLR is advised for the more advanced photographer just because your number of shots is limited to how much film you have. The SLR user does not have the luxury of having a nearly unlimited number of frames that the DSLR user enjoys. Some people really do prefer having an SLR over a DSLR because of the quality and texture of film prints.

SLR Camera Reviews

There are very subtle differences between a film and digital print that are visible to the trained eye. One print isn’t better than the other, so to speak. It’s really more a preference. It should be noted that while getting an SLR is cheaper than a DSLR, in the long run, you could save more money with a DSLR because you won’t have to keep buying film. And the ISO, or level of exposure, depends on what kind of film you can buy. You can’t change it until you change film rolls.

SLR Cameras Under $1000, $500 and $250 Dollars

When to buy a DSLR Camera

DSLR Camera Review DSLRs tend to be more expensive but it is highly advisable for beginners to try out an entry level DSLR for a multitude of reasons. First of all, since everything is digital, you don’t have to count how many frames you’ve used because everything goes into a memory card and they can hold and store a large number of photos. And you can just transfer your photos to your computer when you’ve filled up your card and you can start shooting again.

DSLR Camera Reviews

Another great advantage of the DSLR for beginners is the fact that you can see your photo right away. You don’t need to process it before you can check it out and judge it for yourself. There’s more flexibility with digital photographs too. For one, you can change the ISO on the camera itself.

Canon EOS Rebel 18MP T3i DSLR Camera

**Top Choice**

DSLR Cameras Under $1000, $500 and $250 Dollars

SLR vs DSLR Summary

It should be noted that film and film cameras are slowly being phased out. That shouldn’t discourage you from getting a film camera because there’s more to learn with SLRs. To capture a beautiful picture using a film camera, you need a certain level of understanding and knowledge of light, exposure, and film. Using an SLR will allow you to gain more experience, knowledge, and appreciation for photos. But it is more practical to get a DSLR. One isn’t really better than the other in this situation. Deciding which one to buy really depends on your personal preference.

How To Get Free Shipping With Wish Promo Codes In July

How To Get Free Shipping With Wish Promo Codes In July

If you’re in the market for a new wardrobe or some new accessories, you might be looking for some free shipping codes just in time for July. Here are a few tips on how to get the most out of your wish promo codes in July:

Check out the wish website for the latest offers and deals.

Use the code promo at checkout to get free shipping on your entire order.

Be sure to compare the shipping charges between different stores and avoid paying too much for shipping.

Use the code promo at checkout to get free shipping on orders over $50.

Be sure to use the promo code free shipping at checkout to get free shipping on orders over $75.

Use the code promo at checkout to get free shipping on orders over $100.

Use the code promo at checkout to get free shipping on orders over $150.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for shipping your items.

If you have any questions about your order, be sure to contact the store where you placed your order.

Save your wish promo codes for future use. Once they expire, you’ll have to start all over again.

If you’re like most Americans, you probably think of holiday shopping as a time to buy things you can’t live without. But what about the rest of the year? You can get free shipping on many items during the month of July using wish promo codes. Here are some examples:

July 1- 15: Free standard shipping on orders over $50.

July 16- 31: Free 2-day shipping on orders over $75.

JulyAugust 1- 7: Free standard shipping on orders over $100.

July 8- 14: Free 2-day shipping on orders over $150.

July 15- 28: Free standard shipping on orders over $200.

July 29- November 5: Free standard shipping on orders over $300.

July 30- December 5: Free standard shipping on orders over $350.

August 1- 7: Free standard shipping on orders over $400.

August 8- 14: Free 2-day shipping on orders over $500.

August 15- 28: Free standard shipping on orders over $600.

So, if you’re looking to get free shipping on many items in the month of July, be sure to check out the items below. And don’t forget to use the promotional codes mentioned above!

Tips And Tricks On How To Use Tsc Promo Codes To Save Money

Tips And Tricks On How To Use Tsc Promo Codes To Save Money

Tsc promo codes are a great way to save money on your shopping. However, there are a few things you need to know in order to get the most out of them. Here are some tips and tricks on how to use Tsc promo codes to save money:

First, make sure that you are familiar with the terms and conditions of the promo code. Some codes may only be valid for certain products or services, so it is important to read the fine print.

Secondly, take the time to compare different codes before settling on one. This will help you ensure that you are getting the best deal possible.

Thirdly, always enter the code at the checkout. This will ensure that you are getting the discount that you are entitled to.

Finally, remember to check the expiry date of the code. Promo codes usually have a limited time period in which they can be used, so make sure you use them before they expire.

Check the Tsc website regularly for new promo codes.

When you find a Tsc promo code you want to use, copy it and enter it in the Tsc checkout process.

Make sure that the Tsc promo code you’re using is still valid and hasn’t expired.

Some Tsc promo codes are only valid for certain products or categories, so make sure you’re using the right code for what you’re trying to buy.

If you can’t get the Tsc promo code to work, try contacting Tsc customer service to see if they can help.

By following these simple tips, you can make the most out of Tsc promo codes and save yourself some money in the process.

Social Media Can Be A Distraction From Work Or School.

Social Media Can Be A Distraction From Work Or School.

It can also be a great way to procrastinate. If you find yourself wasting time on social media, try these tips to get back on track:

Set a time limit.

If you find yourself spending hours on social media, set a time limit for yourself. For example, allow yourself 30 minutes per day. Once the time is up, log off and do something else.

Avoid using social media during peak times.

If you know you’re likely to get sucked into a social media black hole, avoid using it during peak times. For example, if you’re most likely to waste time on social media in the evening, don’t log on until after you’ve finished your work or schoolwork for the day.

Do something else at the same time.

If you can’t seem to stay off social media, try doing something else at the same time. For example, if you’re on your lunch break, instead of scrolling through your newsfeed, go for a walk or call a friend.

Limit your social media use to specific times or days.

If you find it difficult to stick to a time limit, try limiting your social media use to specific times or days. For example, only allow yourself to use social media on weekends, or limit yourself to 30 minutes per day on weekdays.

Uninstall social media apps.

If you can’t seem to control your social media use, try uninstalling the apps from your phone or tablet. This way, you’ll have to go out of your way to log on, which may help you to cut back on your use.

Find a hobby.

If you find yourself with extra time on your hands, use it to find a hobby. Doing something you enjoy can help you to stay off social media and avoid wasting time.

Spend time with family and friends.

Spending time with loved ones can help you to stay off social media. If you’re with family or friends, take the opportunity to disconnect from your devices and enjoy their company.

Get a pet.

Pets can help to reduce stress and anxiety. If you find yourself spending too much time on social media, consider getting a pet. They can provide companionship and help you to stay off your phone or computer.

Be mindful of your use.

Try to be mindful of your social media use. Pay attention to how much time you’re spending on it and how it makes you feel. If you find that it’s impacting your mood or productivity, take a break from it.

Seek professional help.

If you can’t seem to control your social media use, it may be time to seek professional help. A therapist can help you to understand your use and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

How To Tell If A Vincent Van Gogh Painting Is Real

How To Tell If A Vincent Van Gogh Painting Is Real

If you’re considering purchasing a Vincent Van Gogh painting, you’ll want to make sure it’s the real deal. Here are a few tips to help you tell if a Van Gogh is genuine:

– Check the date. Van Gogh only painted for about 10 years, so any painting with a date outside of that range is likely a fake.

– Look at the signature. Van Gogh always signed his paintings with his full name, so anything that just says “Van Gogh” is probably not authentic.

– Examine the brushstrokes. Van Gogh’s brushstrokes were always very thick and visible, so if the painting looks like it was done with thin, delicate strokes, it’s probably not genuine.

– Consider the subject matter. Van Gogh typically painted landscapes and portraits, so a painting of a still life or other subject matter is likely a fake.

– Know the market value. Van Gogh paintings are extremely valuable, so if you’re being offered one for a low price, it’s probably not the real thing.

If you’re still not sure, the best way to tell if a Van Gogh painting is real is to take it to an expert for authentication.

In the world of art, few painters are as revered as Vincent Van Gogh. The Dutch post-Impressionist was known for his unique and often irregular style of painting, as well as his tumultuous life. Today, his work is some of the most valuable in the world, with his paintings selling for tens of millions of dollars at auction.

Of course, with that kind of price tag, there are bound to be some fakes out there. So how can you tell if a Van Gogh painting is the real deal? Here are a few things to look for:

-The first thing to do is look at the signature. Van Gogh always signed his paintings with his full name, so if you see a painting with just a “V. Van Gogh” signature, it’s probably not real.

-Next, take a look at the overall style of the painting. Van Gogh’s work is instantly recognizable, so if the painting you’re looking at doesn’t look quite right, it’s probably a fake.

-Another thing to look at is the subject matter. Van Gogh often painted scenes from his daily life, so if the painting you’re looking at is of something he never would have seen in real life (like a unicorn, for example), it’s probably not real.

-Finally, check the provenance, or history, of the painting. If the painting has been in the same family for generations, or if it has a well-documented history, it’s more likely to be real.

Of course, the best way to tell if a Van Gogh painting is real is to take it to an expert for authentication. But if you can’t do that, these tips should help you weed out the fakes from the originals.

The Heyday Of 35mm Photography

The Heyday Of 35mm Photography

35mm photography was once the standard format for film cameras. It was popular for many years because it offered a good balance between picture quality and portability. Many professional photographers still prefer to use 35mm cameras, even though digital cameras have become more popular in recent years.

35mm film is a strips of negatives that are 35mm wide. Each frame is 24mm x 36mm. Most 35mm cameras use 135 film, which is wound around a spool inside the camera. 135 film is also known as 35mm film.

When 35mm photography was first introduced, it was a big improvement over the larger format films that were being used at the time. The smaller size made it much easier to carry a camera around and to take pictures in tight spaces. The picture quality was also very good.

35mm photography remained popular for many years, but it has slowly been replaced by digital photography in recent years. Digital cameras offer many advantages over film cameras, such as the ability to take an infinite number of pictures, instant feedback, and easy editing and sharing of photos.

Despite the popularity of digital photography, many professional photographers still prefer to use 35mm cameras. This is because 35mm cameras often produce better quality pictures than digital cameras. The larger size of the negative also allows for more detail to be captured.

If you are interested in learning more about 35mm photography, there are many great resources available. There are also many websites that sell used 35mm cameras and film.

35mm photography was once the standard for taking high-quality photos. But as digital cameras have become more advanced, 35mm cameras have become less popular. Nevertheless, there are still many photographers who prefer to use 35mm cameras, and there are some good reasons for this.

One reason 35mm cameras are still popular is that they produce very high-quality images. Digital cameras have come a long way, but they still can’t match the image quality of 35mm film. If you want the absolute best image quality, 35mm is still the way to go.

Another reason to use a 35mm camera is that they’re very versatile. You can find 35mm cameras that are designed for all sorts of photography, from landscapes to portraits to action shots. No matter what kind of photos you want to take, there’s a 35mm camera that can do it.

Finally, 35mm cameras are just plain fun to use. They’re a lot more analog than digital cameras, and there’s something satisfying about loading a roll of film and taking photos the old-fashioned way. If you’re looking for a more hands-on photography experience, 35mm cameras are the way to go.

So if you’re a photographer who’s looking for the best image quality, versatility, or just a more fun photography experience, consider using a 35mm camera.

5 Reasons To Shoot On Film

5 Reasons To Shoot On Film

1. There’s something special about holding a film photograph in your hand.

2. Film photographs have a certain look that digital can’t replicate.

3. Film forces you to slow down and think about your composition.

4. Film is more forgiving than digital, making it a great choice for beginners.

5. Shooting on film is a great way to stand out from the crowd.

As a professional photographer, I often get asked why I still shoot on film. After all, digital has come a long way in recent years and many photographers have made the switch to shooting digital exclusively.

Here are 5 reasons why I think shooting on film is still a great choice for photographers:

1. There’s something special about holding a film photograph in your hand.

There’s just something about holding a physical photograph in your hand that is special. With digital photographs, it’s easy to forget that there is a real photograph behind all the 1s and 0s. But with film, you can hold the physical photograph in your hand and really appreciate the artistry that went into creating it.

2. Film photographs have a certain look that digital can’t replicate.

No matter how hard digital photographers try, they can’t quite replicate the look of a film photograph. Film has a certain graininess and depth of color that digital just can’t match. For many photographers, this is part of the appeal of shooting on film.

3. Film forces you to slow down and think about your composition.

With digital, it’s easy to take a million photographs and just delete the ones you don’t like. But with film, you have to be more thoughtful about your composition because each frame costs money. This forces you to slow down and think about your composition, which can only result in better photographs.

4. Film is more forgiving than digital, making it a great choice for beginners.

One of the great things about film is that it is more forgiving than digital. With digital, if you make a mistake, it can be very difficult to fix. But with film, you can often salvage a photograph even if it isn’t perfect. This makes film a great choice for beginners who are still learning the ropes.

5. Shooting on film is a great way to stand out from the crowd.

In the age of digital, it can be easy to blend in with the crowd. But if you shoot on film, you’ll instantly stand out. Film photography is still relatively rare, so shooting on film is a great way to make your work stand out from the rest.

Do you shoot on film? Why or why not? Let me know in the comments below!

Troubleshooting 3D Nail Art

Troubleshooting 3D Nail Art

3D nail art is a beautiful and unique way to decorate your nails, but it can also be tricky to get the hang of. If you’re having trouble creating beautiful 3D designs, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered with this handy troubleshooting guide.

1. My designs keep falling off!

If your 3D designs are constantly falling off, it’s likely that your adhesive is to blame. Make sure you’re using a good quality glue or gel, and that you’re applying it correctly. If you’re still having trouble, try using a thinner layer of adhesive or curing it under a UV lamp for a few seconds.

2. My designs look lumpy and uneven!

If your designs look lumpy or uneven, it’s probably because you’re not using enough glue or gel. Make sure you’re applying a generous amount of adhesive, and that it’s evenly distributed across the entire design.

3. My designs look dull and lifeless!

If your designs look dull, it could be because you’re using too much glue or gel. Try using a thinner layer of adhesive, and make sure you’re not curing it under a UV lamp for too long.

4. I can’t get my designs to stick!

If your designs just won’t stick, it might be because the surface of your nails isn’t clean enough. Make sure you wipe your nails with nail polish remover before applying the adhesive, and that you’re not using an old or dried-out glue.

5. Help! My design is stuck to my nail!

If you accidentally get your design stuck to your nail, don’t panic! Gently peel the design off, being careful not to damage your nail. If the design is still stuck, soak your nails in warm water for a few minutes, then try peeling it off again.

We hope this troubleshooting guide has helped you to create beautiful 3D designs that last. If you’re still having trouble, don’t hesitate to ask a professional nail artist for help.

on newness and springtime and going way, way out of your comfort zone

on newness and springtime and going way, way out of your comfort zone

This year marks 19 years since I purchased my first single-lens-reflex camera.  I’m self-taught, and in that time, I’ve shot literally hundreds of thousands of photographs.  I’ve photographed flowers and faces and faraway places.  I’ve written and shot a book.  I kept up a photoblog for over 9 years.  And after playing with my camera for all this time, I’ve realized something:

My photographs are starting to feel same-old-same-old.  I have my processing tricks down pat.  I shoot from the same angles every time.  I know what works and what doesn’t, and I’m not sure how to experiment in a way that stretches me.  And I need to stretch.

This feeling — of being stagnant, of not growing — has become really acute over the last few weeks.  Perhaps it’s because it’s springtime, and there’s so much newness in the air, but I decided that it was time to shake myself up a bit.  So for the first time in my life, I signed up for a photography course.  But not just any course:  a course led by this fine art photographer.

As you can see, her work is nothing like my work: it’s surreal, and fantastical, and a bit out there.  And honestly, I don’t really have any plans on changing the types of photographs I take:  I find her work, while undeniably beautiful, a bit dark; and I, as you know, am all about the light.  But I think her techniques are amazing — mind-boggling, really.  I figure that simply by learning her methods — these methods and this way of shooting that are so different from mine — that I’m inevitably going to learn something.  And learning is always a good thing.

The course is this coming weekend.  I’ve purchased the recommended tools, pulled together my gear, and made my packing list.  I can’t wait.  I’m also a bit scared.  But I love that I’m doing this — scaring myself, I mean — at the beginning of the spring season.  Spring is all about renewal, and it occurs to me that maybe springtime is the time when we should do something a bit scary, a bit out there.  Something that shakes up our comfort zones.  Because I suspect that sometimes blissing your heart requires just that.

Guide to Helmet Cams

Guide to Helmet Cams

If you’re the adventurous type – skateboarder, mountain biker, snow-boarder, etc. – a new breed of digital camcorder can help capture your epic moments (or epic fails). The helmet cam, or sports camcorder, is a durable video camera capable of being clipped to a helmet or handlebar to capture a first person view of your adventures.

What’s a Helmet Cam?

A helmet cam is essentially a small, rugged camcorder that’s sold with a variety of hooks and clamps that allow the user to attach the camcorder to several surfaces, typically bicycle helmets and handlebars but even skateboards and snowboards.

Thanks to flash memory, camcorders have been able to shrink in size and become much more durable – able to withstand bumps and vibrations without interrupting video recording. Helmet cams use the advantages of flash memory to deliver very small, lightweight yet very shock-resistant camcorders to sports enthusiasts.

Helmet Cam Features:

As you’d expect, helmet cams are not meant to be handled much by the user. After you strap it onto your head, you can’t be expected to fiddle with things like a zoom lens or other camcorder settings. So helmet cams have a very bare bones set of controls – usually an on/off switch and a large “record” button which can be pressed down even if you’re wearing gloves. That’s about it.

Helmet cams typically don’t offer built-in flash memory but record to removable memory card, either SDHC or the smaller microSD format. They come in both standard and high definition resolutions as well, and some allow you to adjust your resolution to preserve memory card space. The video quality itselfcan vary, but don’t expect the same performance as you would from a traditional camcorder.

The lenses and processors on a helmet camcorder can’t match the quality of those found on higher-end camcorders.

Aside from being durable (able to withstand some falls and bumps), they’re also weatherproof, so they can get splashed with water or snow. Note: this isn’t to say they’re all fully waterproof. Most helmet cams are not meant to be submerged underwater for extended periods of time.

While they’re pretty bare-bones as far as features go, helmet cams do have a few bells and whistles. Some models have incorporated GPS chips inside them so you can geo-tag your videos, plotting them out on a map when you’ve loaded them onto your computer. Others offer Bluetooth, so you can stream previews of your video to a smartphone (helmet cams usually don’t offer LCD displays to preview your scene before you film it).

Helmet Cams Not For Everyone

Obviously, if you’re not big into outdoor adventures or aren’t auditioning for the X-Games, a helmet cam isn’t a good choice. If you’re a sporting enthusiast but don’t need a first-person view of the action (or don’t need your hands for steering), consider a rugged, waterproof model instead as it will offer you more features for the money. Speaking of money, helmet cameras range from about $99 to $350, depending on the features and resolution.