Fantasy Art of Exotic Women

Fantasy Art of Exotic Women

The Fantasy Art of Exotic Women, Warrior, Elf and Maid

We all need to escape from time to time and the fantasy art of women lets us do that.

I would love to be able to paint the full illustrations like you see on the Dragonlance books in acrylics. However I also love to explore the world of fantasy art in D3 art as well. Below is a collection of art from around the web, some mine some not.

This is about all types of fantasy and fantasy art exotic women, Fantasy Vixens, Vampire women, pictures etc. I have been a huge fan of fantasy and its art ever since I was first introduced to it. There is a never ending supply of fantastic books and art.

The female 3d fantasy art, artwork is out of this world

How I was Introduced to Fantasy Art

I discovered fantasy art quite by accident when in a shop with my sister. I had a bad back at the time so decided to sit on the floor pretending to read a book on the bottom shelf. little did I know that this one act would change my life. This book was Dragonlance. On the front was a simple picture of a warrior, Kender and magi. This book along with the art drew me into a world quite unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

A world of magic, death honor and betrayal. A world of gods and man and friendship. I loved and lived the book but it was the art that blew my mind. Since then I have been a fan of all things fantasy. The stories the art the dragons and the adventure.

This lens shares that interest and the amazing art of both known and unknown artists from around the net.

I lvoe the magic and the mystery of the worlds that are though up by different people and that each and eveyr magic has different rules and ideas. Not only that the designs of the robes are all different.

The Fantasy Art of Beautiful Women – Sybilla by **Miralys

Gifts for Those Who Love Fantasy

I always loved fantasy and having gifts related to that is great. However it does depend on a persons personal interests. For me it was the art, how to create it and also I loved some of the figures as they sparked the imagination.

3D Fantasy Art Woman Warrior by Infinity Rain

I Create My Own Pictures Using 3D Models

One of the great things about digital art is that anyone can do it and you don’t have to be the next Da Vinci to Succeed. I love creating 3D works of art using the different models that you can get.

It makes it much easier to create pictures. You don’t have to ba able to draw or paint and anyone can learn to use and model the figures you can get. There are many different outfits with everything from fantasy to Sci fi to the office girl

What I love about them is that they keep producing new stuff all the time and there are lots of offers and a great Platinum club.

It shows you how and where to create your own digital art. You can create lots of your own fantasy art of exotic women – and ANYONE can do it! The link is to save me writing it all out several times – its too big for a lens.

Deciding on a Theme For My Work

When I am thinking about pictures I usually like to think about a theme.
What is the story behind the image?

Who are these people and what are they doing or how do they feel. There is very little space to show everything so each movement, expression and pose is vital to the whole image.

What feeling do I want to show? Are the character happy or sad or in pain.

Is the picture meant to show darkness or light or is it meant to show suffering and death or a battle. The pose and the face are very important.

Here this picutre also by André Verwijs shows a classical pose. This is very similar to the book I found in the shop with the way Tas the Kender sits. Even to the point of the weapon resting on the shoulder.

I find clothese are also a vital point to show the overall effect. A woman dressed in a long flowing gown will show quite a different character to one in skimpy armor.

How I Learned to Create Art in Digital Form

I have found that creating my own fantasy art using a number of mediums is great fun. One of the easiest to start out with is actually 3D fantasy art! This is because some enterprising people have gone to a lot of trouble to create models, backgrounds and lots of clothes that you can download for a small fee – and sometimes FREE!!! These can be used to create your own art pictures, videos and avatars for games etc.

I found this is a great way to start as it is fairly cheap compared to setting up a traditional art medium.

© Photographer: Fyswan | Agency:

There are software packages that you can use that start out free as well. This means you can concentrate on buying quality models, landscapes and clothes to create your fantasy art women pictures.

I found that using this gave me access to creating pictures that most of us only dream of. Many people create things that are much better than I can and they will spend hours on one picture and then update them using Photoshop.

The problem comes when I have to use the computer for lots of other things as then you don’t feel like creating pictures as well.

Other Fantasy Pictures Created with Digital Art


There are lots of Places on the net that you can get hold of these amazing images. Like here some are free and some are paid for. But as this image shows you needn’t spend a fortune to get some great art.

I find I can learn a lot from seeing what others do and how they create their art. I have found that the forums are a great place to get help and other artists are more than willing to show me where I am going wrong. Often though it sparks a great debate.

Discover Women of Fantasy

I find that a great way to share your passion or that of your friends is the various kinds of gifts that you can give, some will love the books to try it out for themselves while others will enjoy the well designed figurines. I have many fantasy pieces and books collected over the years that I treasure.

A very bold strong picture. The woman looks less than happy. I love the way the artist has used the colour and how it comes together with the dress and the colour them continued in the background. And the dress is stunning.

A Video of Art Collections

This video shares some fantastic images. Gives you ideas and inspiration for your own unique designs or pictures. Or just enjoy the amazing artwork oft he artists.

Digital art has grown and expanded in recent years with many professional artists and armatures alike using it.

by ELIA IGLESIAS | video info

How To Create Your Own Female 3D Fantasy Art

Creating 3d fantasy art whether it be of the women, the dragons or any of the other themes can be fun to create for both men and women. Many great artists now use digital art techniques for their art and it doesn’t have to cost a lot to start.

Many people who would not otherwise try it will try to create their own works will try to do the digital art.

Featured Fantasy Art Lenses

Kinds of Art

I love all kinds of art yet the outfits and designs of these is fantastic and also you can put all kinds of designs and personalities into your art. I love the adventurous pictures and the beautiful gowns. This kind of art sparks all kinds of imagination and stories.

Some heroines like in the Legend of the Seeker where the Kayla the confessor wore a white medieval robe which she actually fought in.

Some dress in a more revealing style. Often the domain of the male fantasy artists and fantasy for men these women’s outfits are little more than show-pieces. However increasingly women are entering the field of fantasy art and that of designing other women.

Shakespeare’s Macbeth – A Scene By Scene Synopsis (Act 5)

Shakespeare’s Macbeth – A Scene By Scene Synopsis (Act 5)

Macbeth Synopsis – Act 5 Scene 1

In troubled Scotland, at Dunsinane Castle, Lady Macbeth is on the brink of destruction. She has been left alone, Macbeth being out in the field preparing his army. Her lady-in-waiting is anxious. Lady Macbeth has been walking and, worse, talking in her sleep. The loyal gentlewoman calls in the doctor to diagnose her illness, but she refuses to tell him what Lady Macbeth revealed. The doctor learns soon enough. Lady Macbeth passes them in a blind trance, rubbing her hands frantically as if to wash them. In her anguished dream there, is a spot that will not come out, no matter how hard she scrubs. She speaks brokenly, veering from one memory to another. The chain of bloody events is mixed up, she tries to was her hands of Duncan’s blood, and then scolds Macbeth for hesitating to kill him, she asks where Lady Macduff is, warns Macbeth to control himself at the haunted banquet, tells him to wash his hands and put on his nightgown, and begs him to forget his fears of Banquo’s ghost. At last she hears knocking – the knocking at the porter’s gate before the dead king is discovered – ad she takes the imaginary hand of Macbeth, to lead him to bed, to sleep and oblivion. The doctor, having learned the cause of Lady Macbeth’s secret agony, is horrified, and not a little afraid. It is dangerous to have such knowledge. He cannot treat her: she needs a doctor of the soul, not of the body.

Macbeth Synopsis – Act 5 Scene 2

In the country outside the castle, armies are mobilizing for war. The thanes Angus and Lenox, together with other Scottish nobles, have switched sides, and are about to march with their soldiers to join their English allies near Birnam Wood. The entire country is rising against Macbeth. The king has withdrawn to Dunsinane Castle, which he is fortifying against siege

Macbeth Synopsis – Act 5 Scene 3

Inside the castle, Macbeth forbids any more reports of the armies massing against him. He still believes in his charmed life. A servant, pale with fear, braves Macbeth’s anger to tell him of the ten thousand strong English force. The news makes Macbeth uneasy. As he turns the threat over in his mind, he becomes more of the poetic, reflective man of old, rather than the brutal, emotionless tyrant of late. Sad, he muses that he has lived long enough. He would have to endure the winter of old age without the things that would make it less harsh: honour, love, obedience and friends. He has sacrificed all that, Macbeth pulls himself together, and calls his loyal armour bearer, Seyton. He seeks relief in action, giving orders, donning his armour. He is ready to be the warrior again. He spares a moment to ask the doctor about his wife. Told that her sickness lies only in her soul, Macbeth asks the doctor if he cannot cure her of her sorrows. The doctor replies that the patient must minister to ‘himself’ Macbeth turns to more pressing problems. He strides off, defiant, sure that he will be safe till Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane.

Macbeth Synopsis – Act 5 Scene 4

Meanwhile, at Birnam Wood, the English and Scottish armies have met. Malcolm orders the soldiers to camouflage themselves with boughs cut from the trees. The commanders, Malcolm, Macduff and Siward prepare for the advance on Dunsinane Castle.

Macbeth Synopsis – Act 5 Scene 5

Back at Dunsinane, Macbeth believes that his position is impregnable: the castle is strong enough to withstand a siege. Suddenly, women are heard crying in the heart of the castle. While Seyton investigates, Macbeth reflects on how he has lost the capacity to feel fear. But these cries are not of fear, they are of grief.

Seyton returns. Lady Macbeth has killed herself. Her death highlights Macbeth’s growing feeling that the world is meaningless: lif is just a guttering candle, a fleeting shadow, an empty tale. A messenger brings a shattering report – gazing toward Birnam, he thought he saw the wood begin to move, It is now less than three miles away. Disbelief, anger and then doubt wage war within Macbeth. He begins to suspect that he has been tricked by the double speaking oracle. If he has been, he may as well die like a warrior in open fight as hole himself up in the castle: he believes that the outcome will be the same. Reclessly brave, he summons the remnants of his army, before surging onto the plain.

Macbeth Synopsis – Act 5 Scene 6

Below the battlements, Malcolm’s moving forest throws away its disguise. He directs old Siward and his son to lead the first wave of attack: Malcom and Macduff will do whatever else is needed.

Macbeth Synopsis – Act 5 Scene 7

The plain resounds with the cries and clashing of battle. Macbeth, hemmed in by the sheer weight of numbers cannot fly. But his desperation lightens as he remembers that he need only fear a man not born of woman – he forgets that one prophecy has already played him false. Young Siward confronts Macbeth, the seasoned warrior, and Macbeth kills him.

Siward was born of woman: Macbeth can still laugh at weapons branded by normal men. He makes his way to another part of the battle. Macduff enters, seeking Macbeth. He is bent on vengeance, and continues his pursuit. Old siward tells Malcolm, who doesn’t seem to be fighting, that the castle has surrendered and the battle is almost over.

Macbeth Synopsis – Act 5 Scene 8

Macbeth, his castle lost and his men either deserting or surrendering, resolves to fight to the finish.
Macduff comes upon Macbeth and challenges him. Macbeth is reluctant. He tells Macduff that he has killed enough of his family already. Macduff has no time for Macbeth’s belated pangs of conscience, and forces Macbeth to defend himself. Macbeth urges his enemy to give it up, since he can be harmed by no man of woman born.
Now the last terrible blow – Macduff was not born in natural labour, but by caesarean birth. The revelation is Macduff’s strongest weapon. It immediately cuts through Macbeth’s guard. Macbeth, his last hope stripped from him and the whole world hostile, refuses to fight, to surrender the trap that seems to have been laid for him. But Macduff gives him no choice, reminding him that surrender will only lead to humiliation. Macbeth’s confidence has gone, but his courage has not. Though Birnam has come to Dunsinane, and there exists a man strangely born, Macbeth will challenge fate and fight on.
In his last desperate struggle, he fights not only Macduff but the whole uncertain universe. Macbeth dies defiantly.

Macbeth Synopsis – Act 5 Scene 9

Malcolm and old Siward consider the day’s victory. They’re still missing Macduff and youn Siward. Ross describes Siward’s heroic death to his father, who is relieved to hear that the untried youth died well: courage is the measure of the man.
Macduff joins them, bearing Macbeths head on a pole. Macduff pronounces tyranny dead, and the time free,
Malcolm is hailed as king. In the shadow of Macbeth’s severed head, Duncan’s son promises a just and peaceful reign.

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